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ParticipantNicely put Trev.
ParticipantThank You Keith…….. Dan
ParticipantThanks Zip: That is the closest I got to to a answer. I made this post to find if anyone in Europe has ever heard of elderberry cures. Living in the USA the only thing elderberries are good for is jelly and maybe wine. With that said, The preson I talked to came from England and I have no friends living in Europe anywhere. I no some of the members on the site were from over seas and may have different info on the subject. I agree that people will sell you snake oil to cure everything. More so in the USA where scam artist are the best(anything for a buck). The man I was in the hospital with wasn't trying to sell anything we were just talking. There may have been more to the story, I don't no.
ParticipantKeith: I agree with you and if you recall I said if this doesn't work I will be back on allopurinol. I am not against drugs but lets face it. There is no pharmacuetical drug imported from Mars or the moon. Every drug that is derived comes from something found here on Earth, weather a plant or rock or from the sea. It already exsists. The fact that major drug companies change it or condence it, it is already here in one shape or form. What I find intriguing is that Eastern Medicine think so differently than Western medicine. However the Westerners will tell you that we are right our medicine is based on science and the 10,000 years of Eastern medicine is is just whoy. Medicine that is practiced in Europe is not legal in the USA does that make it whoy, I don't think so. Here herbs have only come into the main spotlight for maybe 10 years and not with the approval of the FDA. This I do no. I was released from a hospital 5+ months ago after a surgery. I had lost 25 pounds. I was placed on a high protein diet (meat) and I have been eating meat atleast once a day for 5+ months with out an attack. I have put the weight back on and have altered my diet back to alot of fish but as you no what happens to people that have gout when they eat alot of meat the attacks are coming. So far I am knocking on wood and waiting for my blood work. Anyone reading this forum please DO NOT STOP TAKING YOUR MEDS.
ParticipantLook I not telling anyone to get off meds and I agree that uric acid levels are nothing to joke about. I, like most of you have taken every drug to control gout. To the point of surgery because of intestinal bleeding caused by indomethacin and celebrex. Even allopurinal can cause damage to your kidneys or liver. Maybe in a small percentage but if your in that percentage it is a big deal. Until modern medicine come up with better meds we have to look. If you are the one who can no longer take meds for uric acid you better hope someone somewhere comes up with something. I went for my blood work today and it should be back in a couple days. I just wanted to no if any of the members from over in Europe ever heard of this kinda treatment. I no this might upset some people but western medicine does not have all the answers. When I picked up a new prescription today it came with instructions on how to take it, drug interactions and side effect. The instructions for taking the meds where less then 4 lines. The part on drug interactions was a page long and the allopurinol side effects were 1 and a half pages long. So I will finish my trial but please don't anyone else.
ParticipantKeith: The answer is yes to the allopurinop. I was affraid to just stop taking it and fiqured that if I had a flare up I could just revert back to my 300mg dose. My last blood test was 3 months ago. I am getting it tested next week. Again this trial will end on a good note or bad. I am hoping for the good part LOL. My old doctor has retired and his replacement is younger and alot different. He believes that your should try to get off perscription drugs if at all possible. He claims the long term studies of drug therpy are not as promising as once believed. That years on some drugs are starting to cause other medical problems that doctors did not know about back then.
ParticipantKeith: I don't no if this is the right place to post this but; I use 2 cups of water,? 1 cup of berries,? 5-10 cloves,? 1 cinnomon stick,? 2 ginger capsules opened and emptyed. and 1/2 cup raw honey. I put the water in a sause pan. I put all other indgredinents in a piece of cheese cloth except honey. Set the honey aside. Put the cheese cloth in the pan of water and place on the stove. Bring the mixture to a rolling boil and turn heat down to simmer. Simmer for 20 min. Remove from stove and allow to cool. Remove cheese cloth and squeeze. When mixture is warm not hot mix in honey. I use raw honey from a farmer that is not pasturized.I also use ginger capsules instead of fresh ginger as it is very high priced around here.?Put the juice in the fridge to cool. This is how I do it you can add or subtract any indgrdinents for your own taste. I incorporated this into my day while taking my Allopurional for 2 months. In the second month I started cutting down my dosage to 4 times a week the 3 then 2 then 1 then stopped. I did this just incase, knowing I could jump back on my full dosage of 1 a day if I had to. ?I have had afew tingles in my toe but they only lasted a day or 2 at the most and I was able to still wear shoes. Again I don't no if this is going to work long term so I will let you no how it is going but so far so good.
ParticipantTrev: I am not talking about ground elder. I no that is stems of the plant just ground up. This syrup is made with just the ripe berries and a few other ingredent. The stems are not good for your because of the toxin you mentioned but berries are fine for everything fro pies to jellies.
ParticipantI understand that 500mg is not alot but the doctor said 500mg for 30 days then 1000mg for 30 days, ect. I was told it allows you to build up a tolerance for flushing. It does not matter either way. My gout is finally under control (no attacts in months knock on wood)He will have to try something else to increase my hdl because I will not take the chance. Thanks Guys
ParticipantBe thankful. I've had gout for many years and remember long ago when I would have swollen ankles with little pain but through the years the pain grew with every attack. Most on this site will tell you that there is NO WORST PAIN then gout. If you can get control of it now please do so. Trust me you don't want to find out what the pain can be.
ParticipantSue: Check out the Black bean broth on this site. Some including me have had good results with it. Before you go through all this, it maybe a good thing to see your doctor to make sure it is gout. If you don't want to take meds. Dont. Some on this site use natural substances. It is you body not the doctors but only a blood test will confirm gout.
ParticipantThe problem with gout is the Medical community doesn't see it as important(at least in the USA).If gout reserch or treatment brought the big money like cancer or carido. Md's would jump all over it. If the President or the Surgen general had a gout attact you would see alot of reserch, till something like that happens all we have are sites like this (A great site) to find help and friends who understand
ParticipantUtube: I agree with you. After a couple years on 100 mg allopurinol. I fineally convinced my Md to move me up to 300mg and its been the best thing I've ever done. The celery conversasion was intriging and I fiqured I'd ask about it here.To see if it worked for anyone else?
ParticipantUtubelite said:
I actually visited my doctor today. This one seems to know the Gout very well and actually insists that SUA should be below 5 most of the time and lower the better though occasional near 6 should not matter.
I discussed with him on twinges.
He said that most people get confused on twinges with the stress factor. For example, he said if you feel occasional burn in feet while you are wearing a shoe or walking, it is mostly due to stress on the foot. However, if you feel it when you are resting, sleeping, getup in morning etc. it is more like a real twinge.
After you think you know about Gout, we find there is so much more to know.
I guess it is like a maze – more you get inside it, more you get lost
Ask your Md when was his last gout attact. Remember doctors always say this will sting a bit as the stick a 4″ needle into your joints.LOL If you have gout you no what the twinges are.
ParticipantChacho: I always hope to ween from allopurional but until I get down to my BMI (which is rediculious) and change my eating habits. I wouldn't take the chance. I learned that starting alopurional can bring on nasty attacts. ( GP told me this could happen and it did) I don't want that pain again.(it was the worst Ive had so far) I still have pain in my hip from walking with a cane. I believe some where there is a natural cure. It seem nature always has a ying/yang effect for everything. What works for one doesn't always work for another.
ParticipantRick: Hows that going with the baking soda. Did it raise your blood pressure? or upset your stomach?
Participant@Goutpal. I agree with you. I mentioned the tester because in the USA alot of health care programs only allow blood test every 3-4 months unless you are in a hosiptal
ParticipantHaldan: You pay the Md. If they dont want to treat you find another, your the one in pain. If you parked your car on his foot I would bet he'd beg to get the pain relieved. Goutpal has mentioned a uric acid tester somewhere on this site. You might want to look into that.
ParticipantRucyrius: I agree, my attacts can last for months. Usually the server pain only last a few days to a week but the it seem to travel from my foot to my knee or shoulder and pain lingers for months. Seen my MD at the beging of the week. I ask about pseudo gout causeing it and he assured me that my uric acid levels were up and that was what caused it. He told me that when you get gout in your knee or other places and your uric acid levels are low its proably pseudo gout but when leves are up it gout. I hope yours dont last as long as mine but I agree with you.
ParticipantJared: I no this is not want to hear but there are hundreds or cures for gout. Just look on the net. Celery seed, cherry juice, baking soda. The problem is what works for one may not work for another and what is cheap to one is exspensive for another.Allopurinol is the best we have. I have more than 1 MD and it always amazes me how they disagree. ! says stay away from allopurinol another says take 300mg daily. In the end it is your body. I personally belive there is a cure for this somewhere and its not from the drug companies. So I keep reading and learning. Sites like this help greatly. By the time you leave a doctor office they have forgot who you were. They have 30-50 pataints a day but people who live with gout will keep serching.
ParticipantThanks: My knee and shoulder are from gout. The one I could not rember was pseudo-gout. A shot or three of indomiacin will fix it but I was kinda hoping the BBB would work. It has been a blessing for my feet. Love this site
ParticipantHave another question. After you make bbb do you refridgerate it or do you leave it out on a counter? Something else, No one mentioned the taste so Ill add this. Learn to hold your breath because this stuff is nasty and the gas that came later on wasnt any fun either. I drank about 10 oz and it seem to work my pain has subsided. Maybe it is a mental thing but I dont think so. If I have to put up with 10-15 minutes of nasty and a couple hours of gas so be it anything is better than the pain of gout. I'll let you no if the pain comes back or not as I intend to drink a 8oz glass tonight and tomorrow and maybe some Beano LOL
ParticipantThanks Guys: I am trying some today. I paid $0.89 for 1 lb of these beans at wally world, at the health food store they were $2.89. Either way worth the cost if it works. I just hate throwing money away. Buying beans just to throw them away is kinda insane for some. Again thanks
ParticipantHi folks: Have a question on the black beans. I found them in some health foood stores and there kinda pricy, on line as well. I found them at walmart. pretty cheap but I am not sure if the beans will work. These beans are small(about the size of navy beans). From what I have read it is the skin that makes the broth. Has anyone used these beans and if so does the standard Goutpal recipt still stand? Thanks
ParticipantThank You Meta. I read the articals on in the site. So if you dont mind one more question, Alot of people give the impression that this drink is not the best tasting drink around. In your opinion would you mix it with anything? or just rough it. Dan
ParticipantHi Guys I am going to try the BBB. I am taking indomiacin right now. So I have to go find these beans. One post said drink about 1 liter and another 1 cup to get a attack under control. I read drinking once a week is a good idea but how much? I hate drugs and like most dont have much of a choice. I am leaning toward the alkaline diet but different sites claim different values.(ie: potatoes is great on one site terrible on another and nutral on a third) but I am interested in the BBB idea. Like most I have tried every witches brew trick out there. So if you could give me and idea of the amount to drink I would br thankful. Dan
ParticipantKen: This may not help but anytime I have a large icecream I am almost always going to get an attack. Dan