Keith’s GoutPal Story 2020 Forums Please Help My Gout! is allopurinol working?

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  • #19849

    I have chronic gout in my right ankle. I had only one SUA test and the doc said it was within the normal range. A fluid aspiration detected crystals so doc was convinced that it was gout. There are no flare-ups since it’s constantly swollen and hurting – from 7 November – December 21. I started taking allopurinol 100mg which did nothing so my doc increased it to 300mg on Jan 2. The pain is gone, but the ankle is still swollen. However, now my hips hurt on both sides, especially after sitting for a period of time but the discomfort will disappear after a few minutes. Do I just need to give the allopurinol some time to fully work or are my hip pains a sign that perhaps things are getting worse and not better?

    Keith Taylor

    Yes, you definitely need to give the allopurinol more time to work. It can take several months for allopurinol to get rid of old uric acid crystals. Until most of them have gone, you might experience gout flares, but they should get less intense and less frequent.

    Be sure you keep returning to your doctor for blood tests. You need to get uric acid down to at most 5mg/dL – lower if possible for a year. Also, blood tests should include liver function and kidney function.

    Please let us know how you get on.

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