GoutPal Notifications Service

Stopping Gout Together Forums Help My Gout! The Gout Forum GoutPal Notifications Service

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  • Author
    • #10563
      Keith Taylor

      Many of you who are reading this will have been notified by email. Specifically, via a Google service called FeedBurner. But I am replacing that service with GoutPal Notifications. NB: I have already switched this service for my main website – GoutPal.com. So if you used to be subscribed to that email update service, you will need to resubscribe to the new service.

      The new notification service is integrated with the technical “back-end” for GoutPal.com. Where I do my writing and publishing. So when you go to subscribe, you will see a lot of features that are only relevant to programmers and technical authors. But just ignore everything except for Discussions and Issues.

      Discussions are the nearest thing to most of this forum. Gradually, I will replace this forum with GoutPal Discussions. But for now, I will maintain both. Though, I hope you will post in Discussions rather than this forum.

      Issues are the nearest thing to my posts where I encourage readers to help me improve GoutPal information. Furthermore, I log all new pages and revisions in GoutPal Issues. So you should subscribe to GoutPal Issues Notifications to be informed when I publish changes.

      In the new service, you can get website notifications as well as emails. Also, for smartphone users, the mobile version can supply phone notifications. All of which is explained at GoutPal Notifications.

      If you have any concerns about using new notification services, I hope you will tell me using the link at the end of that page. But if you have any problems accessing the new service, please let me know by replying here.

    • #10565
      Keith Taylor

      Early feedback tells me that this is more complicated than it needs to be. So later today, I will announce an easier way to stay updated about gout.

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